20th Maine

click Gettysburg joshua chamberlain click Chamberlain


They were farmers, shop clerks, woodsman, and seaman.  They came from coastal Maine, from central and western Maine. Many would have been parts of the 16th, 17th, 18th, and 19th Maine had not those regiments already had their full compliment of men.  It was as if fate had brought them together.  The Twentieth Maine was assembled as if by destiny.  If not for their heroism might we not be heirs to a different history, a very different America?

This page is dedicated to them and to the many groups of citizen reenactors who provide a living history of these brave men that we may never forget their contributions.......


To mark the return to Maine of the 20th Maine's restored Gettysburg battle flag the Maine State Museum opened an exhibit (new link) September 5th, 1998.  Included along with the flag were historic prints, art work, documents, and the famous Colt revolver taken by Chamberlain from a Confederate officer after it providentially mis-fired, sparing him at Little Round Top.  Click the "thumbnails" below for the full size pictures.  A special thanks to the 20th Maine reenactors Co.'s B and F who were present.  They were all very helpful and informative in their role as "honor guard" for the exhibit. For more information on Maine Civil War regiments visit the Maine State Archives

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Maine Civil War Unit Reenactors Online

5corpsbutton 20th Maine Volunteer Infantry, Co. A recruitment
5corpsbutton  20th Maine Volunteer Infantry, Co. E
5corpsbutton  20th Maine Volunteer Infantry, Co. F
5corpsbutton  20th Maine Volunteer Infantry, Co. G
5corpsbutton  20th Maine Volunteer Infantry, Co. H
5corpsbutton  20th Maine Volunteer Infantry, Co. K (Fr.)
5corpsbutton  20th Maine Volunteer Infantry, Co. I
5corpsbutton  1st Maine Cavalry
5corpsbutton  3rd Maine Volunteer Infantry, Co. A
artillery battery  6th Maine Battery


Joshua Chamberlain Links

cannon 20th Maine Monument Dedication
Gettysburg 1889
cannon Chamberlain Quick Biography
cannon Maine's Greatest Civil War Hero
cannon Joshua Chamberlain Links Page
cannon Joshua Chamberlain the War in Letters Home
cannon Chamberlain's Love Letters Home


Our common thread is our humanity

The Stranger


Henry Butler's Letters
1862  - 1863 -  - 1864 -   1865

visit a Semiwickedgood Maine Page

Luxury Chess Sets


Maine Civil War Notables

Ellis Spear Ellis Spear 20th Maine
Seldon Connor Seldon Connor 7th/19th Maine
Neal Dow Neal Dow 13th Maine
Oliver Otis Howard Oliver Otis Howard 3rd Maine
Civil War Resource Pages
war monument
20th Maine roster at Gettysburg
flags Soldier Search
flags Civil War Timeline
flags Reenacting Groups and Regiments
flags The American Civil War Homepage
us uniform belt buckle Union Uniform Outfitting
timeline with casualties,movements, battles
20th Maine Monuments at Gettysburg

Medicine in the Civil War

Nursing in the Civil War

The Battle of Portland Harbor

Ballad of the 20th Maine

videos and supporting pages

The 16th Maine at Gettysburg

The 1st Maine at Petersburg

3rd Maine 145th anniversary muster

Harpers Weekly

Civil War Language
Civil War Match-Up Quiz
Civil War Trivia Quizzes at FunTrivia.com

Civil War National Archives
Need information on the American Civil War? What
better a place to find it than
the National Archives.


civil war studies
Virginia Center for Civil War
Studies at Virginia Tech.

Mathew Brady  Photo collection
Thousands of photos from
the Mathew Brady collection.
